A true low maintenance mixture that has good shade and drought tolerance with a slow growth habit. Ideal to use under trees and in all shady lawn and landscape situations
- Shady/Dry soils
- Drought tolerant
- Reduced mowing
- Fine appearances
Technical Information
Mixture Information:
Sowing Rate: 25-35g/m2
Cutting Height: 25mm
Mixture Formulation:
10% Maritza Chewings Fescue
10% Smirna Slender Creeping Red Fescue
25% Heidrun Strong Creeping Red Fescue
10% Yvette Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
20% Crystal Hard Fescue
10% Southlands Crested Dogstail
10% Dasas Rough Stalked Meadow Grass
5% Sefton Browntop Bent
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